Best exercises for varicose veins

varicose veins exercises

We generally do not know why people develop varicose veins, however there are some associations such as pregnancy, family history, being overweight or prolonged standing and sitting.

Regular exercise and keeping fit is helpful in preventing varicose veins and reducing symptoms if you already have them.

High impact exercise such as running increases blood flow in the legs and can potentially damage the small valves that allow one directional flow within the veins. Running on softer surfaces such as grass or sand or wearing compression stockings when you run may be of value.

Lifting heavy weights regularly, can similarly cause damage to the veins. The increased abdominal pressure during heavy lifting reduces the blood flow out of the legs, as above potentially damaging those small valves within the veins. If doing weight training, the following may be of value:

Perform exercises with your legs at the same level or above your heart

Avoid squatting.

Don’t hold your breath, when lifting weights – rather exhale while lifting and inhale when lowering.

Wear compression stockings.

Good exercises for your veins include:

  • This is the best exercise for circulation your legs. This exercise keeps you fit while strength your calf muscles which are important to pump blood up back to the heart against gravity.
  • Cycling or stationary bike. Also a great exercise to work the calf muscles.
  • Elliptical trainer.

What can I do from my varicose veins if I cannot exercise due to various factors?

  • Wear compression stockings. Start with knee high compression stockings or socks. Especially of good use if you spend large amounts of time, standing or sitting or during pregnancy.
  • Avoid wearing high heels. In high heels, the position of the foot limits the effectiveness of the calf muscle pump.
  • Rocking your feet backwards and forwards when standing or sitting. Again this helps by using the calf muscle pump.
  • Weight control. Excess weight can put additional pressure onto the veins.

And so in summary, with a few simple steps as mentioned above, hopefully you can reduce your symptoms and avoid or reduce the development of new varicose veins.

Keep your calf muscles working when standing or sitting, wear compression stockings if necessary and begin an exercise program.

If your symptoms persist or worsen, please give us a call and organise an appointment. We can discuss your particular venous issue, discuss options and create an individualised treatment plan.

To make an appointment today to have your varicose veins assessed by Dr Berman, please phone
9561 5155

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